Intense Pulsed Light - IPL

Illuminating Your Skin with IPL

Unlock the radiance of your skin through the transformative power of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). Also known as Photofacial or Photorejuvenation, this exceptional treatment utilizes a broad spectrum of light to stimulate collagen production, target unwanted pigment, and diminish the appearance of abnormal blood vessels and broken capillaries.

Why You'll Love IPL

Experience the unparalleled benefits of the world's most sought-after energy-based skin treatment. IPL effectively addresses concerns like rosacea, redness, uneven skin texture, excess pigmentation, and sun damage.

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Intense Pulsed Light - IPL
What are the benefits of IPL?
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    Reduced facial redness and telangiectasias
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    Improved skin texture and tone
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    Improved Rosacea
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    Reduction in excess pigment
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    Improvements in sun damage
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    Boosting collagen
Combat Rosacea with Gentle Precision

Rosacea is a common condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Although it is commonly found in individuals of north european ancestry, it can occur in any skin type or ethnic background. IPL effectively treats rosacea by using controlled light to reduce the inflammation, redness, acne, and uneven texture that accompany this condition. IPL offers a gentle, long-lasting solution for those suffering from rosacea by providing a gradual and natural solution.

Reverse the Effects of Sun Damage

Sun damage is one of the most common skin complaints and can range from thinner skin and fine lines and wrinkles to sun spots and dark patches of skin. IPL treatments can be used effectively to reduce the appearance of sun damage, and help to repair your skin.

Is there any downtime after IPL treatment?

Most individuals can resume work or normal activities immediately after IPL treatment. It's common to experience red or flushed-looking skin, which typically subsides within hours after the procedure. It's important to avoid sun exposure and diligently use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher after the treatment.

How many IPL treatments will I need?

Our certified laser professionals will assess your specific skin concerns and recommend the optimal number of treatments. Most patients experience improvements after three sessions, with maintenance treatments suggested every 3-6 months to preserve results.

What can I expect during an IPL treatment?

During the treatment, you will wear protective eyewear and our skilled technicians will apply a cooling gel to the treatment area and then use a handheld device to deliver light pulses to the skin. You might feel a slight snapping sensation or warmth during the procedure. The treatment typically takes 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the treated area and is well tolerated. You may experience redness, pigmentation, sun spots will diminish over the weeks after the treatment.

How long will the results from IPL last?

Depending on the concern and area treated, patients can see results as soon as one treatment or may require more sessions. By following proper treatment and skincare protocols provided by our certified laser technicians, results from IPL can be long-lasting and improve after each treatment.