Facial Implants

Enhance Your Facial Harmony with Facial Implants

When facial beauty is concealed by areas of imbalance, facial implants can provide a transformative solution. Designed to provide long-lasting enhancement of facial contours, these implants improve definition and restore facial harmony.

Understanding Facial Implants

Facial implants are designed from firm yet pliable biocompatible substances, with medical-grade silicone being the most commonly used material. Available in various shapes and sizes, these implants are customized to match your unique facial features.

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Facial Implants
Areas Enhanced with Facial Implants
  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Under Eyes (Tear Trough)
Restoring Facial Balance

When areas of the face are disproportionate with the rest of the face, facial harmony may be affected. For example, a recessed chin can make an otherwise normal nose appear more prominent. By addressing these imbalances, facial implants offer lasting improvements to facial balance and harmony.

Can I combine Facial Implants with other procedures?

Facial implants can be performed alongside other facial surgeries, such as Face and Neck Lifts, rhinoplasty, or liposuction of the neck. The ability to combine procedures ensures a comprehensive approach to achieving your desired facial aesthetic.

Am I a candidate for Facial Implants?

The best way to determine your candidacy for facial implants is through a consultation with us. With over 15 years of experience in facial aesthetic surgery, Dr. Paul Denton and our dedicated staff will carefully assess your unique facial features and discuss whether facial implants are the right solution for you.

Facial Implant Placement

To place facial implants, small surgical incisions are made through discreet locations, such as the mouth or under the chin. These incisions allow access to the appropriate tissue planes for precise implant positioning.

Facial Implants vs. Dermal Fillers?

While dermal fillers can add volume and recontour the face, facial implants provide a more permanent solution. Unlike fillers that require periodic injections, facial implants offer lasting contour improvement. They also deliver more substantial enhancements to facial volume and shape, surpassing what can be achieved with dermal fillers.