Vanquish ME®

Vanquish ME is an innovative body contouring treatment specifically designed to reduce waist circumference and target abdominal and flank fat.

Using advanced radiofrequency technology, Vanquish ME generates deep tissue heating to promote fat reduction. What sets it apart is that it is the only non-contact radiofrequency technology available for fat removal.

Why You'll Love It

Experience a slimmer and tighter abdomen and flanks, allowing you to enjoy enhanced curves and a more sculpted appearance. Vanquish ME offers a range of benefits that make it an attractive choice for body contouring.

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Vanquish ME®
Am I an ideal candidate for Vanquish ME?

Vanquish ME is an ideal solution for individuals with excess fat in the abdomen and flanks. It is particularly beneficial for those with minimal pinchable fat who may not be suitable candidates for CoolSculpting. Additionally, Vanquish ME can be used as a finishing step after CoolSculpting to further enhance your results.

Is there any downtime?

No needles, incisions, or anesthesia required! One of the notable advantages of Vanquish ME is that there is typically no downtime associated with the treatment. You can resume your regular activities immediately after each session.

What areas can be treated?

Vanquish ME is specifically designed to target the abdomen and flanks, focusing on reducing fat in these areas.

What can I expect during a Vanquish ME treatment?

During the treatment, you will comfortably lie down while a technician positions the Vanquish ME applicators near the target areas. You may feel a warm sensation as the RF energy works its magic. Each session typically lasts 30-45 minutes.

To achieve optimal results, a series of four Vanquish ME sessions is recommended, with each session scheduled one week apart. Our expert team will customize a treatment plan based on your unique needs and desired outcome.

When will I see my results from Vanquish ME?

Results will be noticeable after several weeks as the body is naturally eliminating the destroyed fat cells. Full results will continue to show and improve over several weeks. Note that Vanquish ME is not intended for significant weight loss and is designed for contouring the body and reducing stubborn fat pockets.