Hair Restoration

Unveil a Fuller You with RootRenew™ Hair Restoration

Hair restoration, harnessing the body's natural healing properties, is increasingly popular for reversing hair loss and enhancing hair health. Our exclusive RootRenew™ solution harnesses the power of growth factors and natural proteins found in our blood to stimulate hair follicles. When coupled with topical or oral medications, this synergistic approach accelerates hair regeneration. By leveraging the body's own healing mechanisms, patients can achieve natural-looking hair regrowth with minimal discomfort and recovery time.

The RootRenew™ Process

This revolutionary treatment begins with drawing blood and processing it in our premium centrifuge system to extract the maximum amount of growth factor-rich cells to use in our RootRenewTM solution. Skillfully injected into the scalp, this solution stimulates hair follicles, fostering the production of stronger and healthier hair.

This process is a safe and effective alternative to invasive hair restoration surgeries, which can be costly and require significant downtime. A series of RootRenewTM treatments are performed once a month, for four consecutive months. Thereafter, we recommend maintenance 1-2 times per year.

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Hair Restoration
What are the benefits of this treatment?
  • Offering a natural and safe solution for hair restoration as it harnesses your body's own healing abilities
  • Non-invasive procedure with minimal risk and no downtime
  • Strengthens existing hair, making it thicker and healthier
  • Long lasting results

How long is the treatment?

Revive Fractional™ takes 30-90 minutes, depending on the area treated.

How long is the recovery?

Clients may experience redness and mild swelling at the injection sites. Aside from avoiding vigorous exercise for 24 hours, you can resume your normal routine immediately after the procedure.

How many treatments are recommended?

The number of treatments needed can vary depending on factors such as the extent of hair loss and your desired results. Most patients undergo a series of four treatments spaced one month apart. After the initial treatment series, maintenance sessions may be recommended every few months to sustain the results.

Is the procedure painful?

Most patients find that there is minimal discomfort with the procedure and a topical numbing agent is applied to the scalp to ensure optimal comfort.

Who is a good candidate for hair restoration?

Individuals who are experiencing the early stages of hair loss or thinning will be great candidates as this injection works best to strengthen and increase density with existing hair follicles. It's safe for most people but the best first step to determine your candidacy is a consultation with with our experts.

When will I start seeing results?

Most patients will see improvements in hair density and hair growth a few months after starting their treatment journey. Individual results vary, both in terms of their response to treatment time, as well as the need for additional treatments beyond the first series.